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The Red Planet comes our way... Hercolubus, Nibiru, Planet 7X

Writer's picture: iNFAMOUSiNFAMOUS

What is planet X also known as Planet 7X, Nibiru or Hercolubus and what does it mean for us on earth? Is there a biblical connection and does it play a roll in the end-times

There is evidence of an ongoing resurgence of the Planet X (also known as Nibiru) cataclysm conspiracy theory following the publication of new scientific studies in 2014 claiming evidence of a mysterious unnamed planet lurking beyond Pluto. The scientific claims were based on observations of gravitational influences on a group of space bodies termed the “extreme trans-Neptunian objects” (ETNOs) orbiting our Sun beyond the planet Neptune.

We have been feeling the disruptive effects of the inbound rogue Planet X since 1996 in the form of increased seismic and volcanic activities, freak weather patterns, and natural disasters.

NASA, the Pentagon, and the CIA are aware of the approaching rogue planet. The Vatican has also been briefed, but the public is being kept in the dark about the impending apocalypse. But despite efforts to keep the information secret, there have been leaks.

The comprehensive report submitted to the White House estimates that about two-thirds of humanity will be wiped out when Planet X induces a pole-shift. Two-thirds of survivors will perish over another six months due to starvation and exposure to the elements.

Although some conspiracy theorists insist that the Planet X mentioned in the NASA files is not linked with Zecharia Sitchin’s planet Nibiru — the alleged planet of the alien Anunnaki that makes a close approach to Earth as it passes through the inner solar system on its orbital path once every 3,600 years — many conspiracy theorists insist that that NASA’s “Planet X” is Nibiru.

But it is uncertain whether the Planet X mentioned in the purported NASA files is the same as the Planet X that scientific researchers announced in 2014 that they have evidence is lurking in the fringes of our solar system beyond Pluto. But according to conspiracy theorists, the claim by NASA scientists was a deliberate ruse to cover-up the actual destination of New Horizons beyond Pluto and the Kuiper belt – Planet X.

NASA knows that Planet X is real and that Armageddon is near, according to conspiracy theorists. The researchers suggested that Planet X is likely ten times more massive than Earth and probably lies about 250 AU from our Sun. The 12th Planet and its consequences. This collision supposedly formed the planet Earth, and a belt of asteroids and comets. Sitchin says that when struck by one of the moons of Nibiru, Tiamat split in two, and then a second pass Nibiru, struck the broken fragments and half of Tiamat became the asteroid belt. The second half, collided again with one of the moons of Nibiru and was thrust into a new orbit and became today the planet Earth.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nibiru may refer to:


Fringe or unverified astronomical theories

  • Nibiru, a pseudoscientific proposed outer planet within our solar system, described by Zecharia Sitchin

  • Nibiru cataclysm, a supposed impending disastrous encounter between Earth and a large astronomical object

See also

Its here your just not listening the pole shift, solar flares, meteors, extreme weather, disasters what more do you need the mainstream media show proof from around the world proclaiming the existence of a Nibiru - Planet X and let me tell you, It all fits in with biblical events and ancient scriptures.

Now that we know it is here, We can start to ask where exactly is it and what will its presence mean to us?

Here I share some information that is out there for you to see that this is very real and how you deal with it is up to you my friends.

SKY NEWS 27-11-2016 it was on live tv but quickly went silent.

Sky News also announced it on there website on 21-01-2016 called Planet Nine: Evidence Found Of Far-Flung World

Other worldwide news that you may have missed

Youtube channel planet nibiru has put a great video together of most below.

Content found on other popular websites talking about it!


For years it has been speculated by conspiracy theorists and some astronomers that Google Sky had been censoring what’s known as Nibiru or Planet X from the general public’s view online.

Now, shockingly, a massive swath of Google Sky that had been previously blacked out and censored has been made visible by Google for your viewing pleasure. The image below shows the system as censored by Google for years.

As of now it’s currently unknown why Google unrestricted access to what may be the planetary system which was the focus of the late Zecharia Sitchin who wrote numerous publications on the planet Nibiru.

In the image below, shot in 2015, you can clearly see the ‘winged disk’ as described by Sitchin and others. It’s just to much of a coincidence.

Date of sighting: Late 2015

Location of sighting on Google Sky: 5 h 42m 21.0s 22° 36′ 45.7″ 

Although we can’t say for sure that this is Nibiru, it sure does match all the descriptions.

A very interesting interview with a NASA astronomer in 1983. About a planet that is little talked about: Nibiru, Hercolubus or Red Planet, Wormwood and that is related to numerous religious betrayals of other times.

In all corners of the world we can find traditions and prophetic accounts regarding the end times, all of them resembling one another.

Most of these predictions warn us of great catastrophes on Earth such as an imminent pole shift, the consequent ice caps melting and the disappearing of huge areas of land due to strong earthquakes and tsunamis.

There are countless prophecies that have something in common: they talk specifically about the approach of a huge planet that comes near to us periodically. That planet would have arrived to our solar system in former occasions to unleash cataclysms that wiped out the civilizations in Lemuria and Atlantis. Now, it would come to put an end to our current civilization and thus give rise to a new era.

It is recognised in many traditions, prophecies and sacred books under different names such as: Baal, Cold Planet, Red Planet, Wormwood, Ajenjo, Hercolubus, Barnard I, and many more. Such a planet would already be visible with telescopes and its size would be about six times that of Jupiter.

In the coming and going of life, everything returns to its beginning or to its end. Thus, in our former encounter Hercolubus put an end to the Atlantean civilisation. These facts were duly narrated through all the ‘Universal Floods’ of different religions and cultures.

Many people have talked about such cosmic phenomenon. One of them was V.M. Rabolu, who inquired into the approach of that planet using the faculties of the awakened consciousness, which enabled him to research on that heavenly body. In his work titled ‘Hercolubus or Red Planet’, which is sent for free worldwide by the Alcione Association, he writes:

‘When Hercolubus comes closer to the Earth and aligns with the Sun, deadly epidemics will begin to spread over the entire planet. Neither doctors nor official science will know what sort of illnesses they are or how to cure them. They will be powerless in the face of the epidemics.’
‘The moment of tragedy and darkness will come: tremors, earthquakes and tidal waves. Human beings will become mentally unbalanced, because they will not be able to eat or sleep. In the face of danger, they will throw themselves over the precipice en masse, completely mad.’V.M. Rabolu

V.M. Rabolu, the great Colombian researcher in esotericism, raised his voice to warn humanity about that threat. He points out that, in fact, it could bring about the end of our civilization and our culture. In his book, he teaches the method to eliminate our psychological defects and the techniques for astral projection as the only existing formulas to escape the forthcoming cataclysm.

V.M. Rabolu concludes his work by saying:

‘Dear reader: I am speaking very clearly so that you understand the need to start working seriously. Whoever is working will be rescued from the danger. This is not for you to make up theories or hold discussions, but to experience the true teaching that I am giving in this book. We can resort to nothing else.’

Here is the copy of his book to save you some time looking.

Is Planet-7X Real & Is It Biblical?

by Gill Broussard

My main focus is to inform viewers of new findings in the field of Biblical astronomy and how these resulting anomalies correlate to biblical records. Three years of research along with astronomical software models of each event that have a repeating overlay to a depth and degree to which the data cross-validated itself was beyond expectations! Videos Include Charts, graphs and other data supporting the existence of a “mystery planet” which I call Planet-7X (for 7 times Earth’s diameter).

There is very strong evidence indicating it’s IMMINENT END TIME APPEARANCE.

Summary of Events of Planet X

Noah’s Flood Event & Planet X

This illustration will attempt to show how Noah flood was a real event, from two separate meteor showers 150 days apart. I will also attempt to show how certain land features and anomalies were created at this time. I will also show how the model explains how the Moon was created.

Joshua’s Long Day & Planet X

This illustration shows how the day was extended by twelve hours in “Joshua’s long day”. When Planet-7X (7xEarth Diameter) passed between the Earth and Moon, the electromagnetic plasma field gradually interfered with the electromagnetic energy flowing from the Sun to the Earth’s poles. The Earth’s magnetosphere protected them in part from the plasma’s harmful effects, but the electromagnetic energy field the Earth needs to rotate on its axis will gradually diminish, and then stops and the rotation will not restart until it travels past the plasma field of Planet-7X. The Biblical example tells us of a 12 hour regular day, with a 12 hour extended day of daylight; that is a total of 24 hours of effect on the Earth’s rotation, from deceleration to accelerating back to its normal rate of rotation.

A illustration of Joshua’s Long Day, shown in a more modern setting, depicts the visual effects and the perspective that Joshua and his 30-40,000 troops witnessed that day. Using the 50/1 ratio of the visual effect of Planet-7X (7 x Earth’s diameter), traveling at a distance from Earth of 70% of the distance between the Moon and Earth. This is also what the Bible alludes to in the book of Revelation and Luke on the latter days as Abaddon (The Destroyer).

A physics professor after seeing this video stated “This is the first time that anyone has been able to give a logical explanation, on how the Earth can physically slow down for twelve hours as stated in the book of Joshua.”

60 Reference Points

I feel that this book “Worlds in Collision” adds references from ancient manuscripts to support the Planet-7X theory. It shows that in Earth ancient pass that we went through some catastrophic events. It appears that Earth possibly had one pole reversal, and several tilt adjustments along with meteorite showers, tidal-waves, land tides etc… associated with Planet-7X near flyby.

The Earth Tilted: King Hezekiah

This illustration will attempt to show how the shadow moved ten steps for King Hezekiah. When Planet-7X (7 x Earth Diameter) passed between the Earth and Moon.

Earth North pole had a magnetic attraction to Planet-7X as it passed near Earth, effectively causing the tilt of 26-28 deg.

Yeshua Jesus on the Cross

This illustration shows a logical explanation on how the three hour of darkness during Y’shua sacrifice was possible. When Planet-7X (7 x Earth Diameter) passed between the Earth and Sun.

Using astronomical software I have reconstructed a model of this event using a mid-August to mid-September entry point along with a exit point of mid-March to mid-April holding a 150 day separation and with a distance from Earth of 823,146 miles. The model proves out the exact three hours of darkness as the Biblical eyewitness account documented.

Planet X & The Seals of Revelation

Planet-X is the main event of the great Tribulation in the book of Revelation. There is strong Biblical merit with the eye witness accounts that tie it to multiple main event’s in the Torah and Bible.

Planet X Path Through Our Solar System

A model can be created from documented eye witness accounts referenced in ancient manuscripts of Chinese astronomers, Hebrew sources from Torah and ancient accounts in the Bible. We can extrapolate from these eye witness accounts the necessary parameters to construct such a model.

My intent was to prove or disprove such a planet existed! To my surprise, the evidence does exist in ancient manuscripts of such a planet.

The model cannot confirm the year it can only be done by a sighting. It will appear in the night sky to the general public as the largest and brightest object in the sky. The constellation of “Job’s Coffin” will point to it’s location on the ecliptic (planetary plain), this will occur in December on the day of Hanukkah (Feast of Lights). The software model can only give us an estimate that it is near. The Earth will intersect the orbital path of this Planet in the month or week of passover, and then a second time 150 days later, this is the same documented and repeated occurrence of a dozen or more times throughout history.

Here is the link to all Gill Broussard's PDF Books and work which is updated yearly..

So if this isn't enough for you? Don't say I didn't WARN YOU!


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