Often used By evolutionists as a shining example of the timeline layers that the Colorado river has cut through over millions of years. Even if you walk around the canyon there are little brass placards in the sidewalk stating various "100's of millions of years" where you are standing. Lets think about this with topography in mind.
The Colorado originates in the Rocky Mountains and flows into the pacific. That is to say, from right to left in the picture shown. Please realize that according to their theory, that means the mighty Colorado river was mighty enough to flow up hill over a length of 270 miles, for thousands of vertical feet, through the mountain that is in the way, over millions of years to allow that to happen. You must realize the mountain was there before the river, otherwise the mountain would still be there! However, if water broke over the mountain and cut a river through it, now the would make more sense.
It is facts like this one, that make most creation speakers sound so snotty about it all. Try not to get mad when they get snippy, but it is very frustrating when you know this stuff is not being acknowledged and it's everywhere. It makes you wonder what in the world is going on around here? Why don't people see all of this, or say anything about it?! We will get into that in the next section, but for now I have saved the best for last.

Evidence for The Flood
The "Hydroplate Theory"
Doctors Kent Hovind, and Walt Brown have done more work on the topic, than is ever needed to irrefutably convince anybody that the "Evolution Theory" is a bad theory. The points made by these men are so sound and numerous, it will have you wondering how Charles Darwin ever got a foothold in the first place, but as they say you don't know, what you don't know. If you tell a lie long enough and loud enough people will believe it.
Dr. Walt Brown's
website where his incredibly detailed and very full book,
may be read online or bought.
Dr. Kent Hovind and Dr. Grady McMurtry
Both of these men have a series of youtube seminars on nearly every question you can think of, and then some. These videos give reference to sources, and are delivered section by section pain free to you. All you have to do, is watch them. However, getting someone to watch them with today's attention span and busyness is another battle. Below are the first videos of a series. These are so info packed, and I'd be truly amazed if you watch these to the end and still think this earth is millions of years old.
"The Kent Hovind Creation Seminar (1 of 7) : The Age of The Earth"
"The Garden of Eden" (2 of 7)
Dinosaurs and the Bible" (3 of 7)
Lies In The Textbooks" (4 of 7)
he Dangers of Evolution" (5 of 7)
"The Hydroplate Theory The Flood"
"25 Proofs Earth is Young - Dr. Grady McMurty - 6000 Years Old?"
Dinosaurs and The Global Flood:
"Does the Bible (Job 40) Describe a Sauropod Dinosaur (Behemoth)?"
Uprooted and relocated, petrified trees:
"Yellowstone Removes Misleading Petrified Tree Sign; Trees Grew Elsewhere"

Here is a significant problem for evolutionists. Carbon 14 has been found inside of diamonds. It isn't supposed to be inside of inorganic matter such as minerals that supposedly take millions of years to form. Carbon 14 is a radioactive isotope that has a half life of 5730 years, and as it degrades it turns into Nitrogen 14. As soon as something dies it stops making carbon 14, and from that point on it only decays and converts into Nitrogen 14. Hence the way they figure somethings age is by mathematically processing the ratio of nitrogen 14, to carbon 14.
I'm sure you are aware that diamonds are quite hard, they don't allow for anything organic to just seep in and impregnate the diamond. There are 3 major factors required for diamond formation; Carbon, pressure, and time. Since evolutionists use time to solve all their problems, they say diamonds take millions and millions of years to form. They don't believe such pressures, like that of "The flood", ever existed to form a diamond quickly. Even though there is a crazy amount of evidence to account for a global flood, and there is Carbon 14 inside of diamonds. We have since been able to create diamonds in minutes with the pressures technology as allowed us to achieve.
Diamonds, a Creationist's best friend - CLICK HERE

Just like diamonds, opals have also been indistinguishably reproduced by an Australian Opal Miner who happens to be a believer in the Bible. Len Cram did not accept the current theory for opal growth. He believed it happened much faster and he tested, and even perfected his theory and was able to make opals in a matter of months.
Growing opals Australian style - CLICK HERE

This picture shows a bug stuck inside opal. Evolutionists badly need opalization to take millions of years, so they say it must have been amber first, but eh, it's um, its only opal... More on this here.
There is a list posted called "RSR's List of Not So Old Things" on this list he goes into opals and many other very interesting death blows to the theory of evolution. CLICK HERE
Petrified Stack of Trees and Ammonoidea

This is a photo taken at a wealthy owner's house in La Jolla, California. I have never seen a fossil quite like this. I'm not sure the owner knows how special this is, or what it means. It is a 2-3 inch thick cross section cut from a large fossil, and polished to be used as the mantle piece.
If you look closely towards the bottom, you will see various Ammonoidea stuck in-between the logs, and also fossilized with the rest of it. They shells appear to be of the smooth type, known as Asteroceras. They are wrongfully derived as having existed during the so called "Triassic", and "Jurassic" periods, as described here in this link.
As we have easily seen through fossil examination, and inter-layered amalgams, these Jurassic, Triassic, etc, layers are not time periods. They are separate waves of flood fronts, pushed into various layers and directions, settled, pressurized, and fossilized into areas of drowned death, organized by their mass, or the flood front they rode in on.
Evolutionist prefer not to comment on all of these areas found, but if they do, it's usually explained as a localized event. Just don't point out that this localized event spans the entire planet, fossilizing creatures that should not be, where they are found. Many of these creature's bodies, or shells got washed far and wide! All of them settling somewhere, and usually in very large groups of other various drowned things, as seen on the Utah/Colorado border, "The Wall of Bones". That is just one example of many, found all over Earth. CLICK HERE
"The Precious Stones of Revelation 21"
This is another amazing video that goes along with the, "impossible to be an accident", series of "Sevens" Ivan Panin found, or the meanings of each name in the lineage from Adam to Jesus, that tell the story of Jesus, over the huge span of time these names were given.
In Revelation 21, there is a list of gemstones used for the foundation in Heaven. At first mention, that list doesn't really seem to be hiding something amazing, unless you know what is special about these stones that have been chosen out of all of them. Only recently has our science reached an advanced enough level, giving us the ability to know what is special about these particular 12 stones.