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One World Government - The Last Empire

Writer's picture: iNFAMOUSiNFAMOUS

Updated: Jul 1, 2024

Big Brother is a metaphor that covers the regions of governmental science, technology, the global monitoring intelligence community such as the GPS ( Global Positioning Satellites ) and many other similar entities that will lead humanity into a One World Government where every human being will be marked, tracked and monitored. The below articles and news stories cover global organizations, who are the building blocks of a coming global empire & one world government.


Social Security Number

Make no mistake about it, the Social Security Number for every Citizen is a numbering code for human beings. For all it's intent & purposes, it is a national numbering system that the federal government uses to seek information on every citizen. Perhaps the most disturbing abuse of the Social Security Number is the congressional authorized rule to force parents to get numbers for their new born children in order to claim them as dependents. This is not a isolated incident. In fact, since the creation of the Social Security Number in 1934, there have been almost 40 congressional authorized uses of the number as a identification number for non-Social Security programs. In many states, no one can not get a job, a driver's license, or receive a copy of their birth certificate without first presenting their Social Security Number to government or state agency. This entity, which I call "Big Brother" is slowly taking away our freedom, privacy and civil rights.

The National Security Act

2004 NOV: Since the end of World War II, each administration has sought to develop and perfect a reliable set of executive institutions to manage national security policy. Each President has tried to avoid the problems and deficiencies of his predecessors' efforts and install a policy making and coordination system that reflected his personal management style. The National Security Council (NSC) has been at the center of this foreign policy coordination system, but it has changed many times to conform with the needs and inclinations of each succeeding chief executive. The National Security Act of 1947 mandated a major reorganization of the foreign policy and military establishments of the U.S. Government. The act created many of the institutions that Presidents found useful when formulating and implementing foreign policy, including the National Security Council (NSC). The act also established the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which grew out of World War II era Office of Strategic Services and small post war intelligence organizations. The CIA served as the primary civilian intelligence gathering organization in the government. Later, the Defence Intelligence Agency became the main military intelligence body. The President's Special Counsel, complained about "the failure of the bill to define in clear terms the sense in which the word intelligence' is used. For example, 'intelligence,' 'foreign intelligence,' 'intelligence relating to the national security,' 'strategic and national policy intelligence,' 'the national intelligence mission,' and 'intelligence affecting the national security,' are used indiscriminately as though they were synonymous." The failure to distinguish between 'intelligence' and 'foreign intelligence'" would "lead to the suspicion that the 'National Intelligence Authority' and the 'Central Intelligence Agency' and The FBI will attempt to gain control, with the powers granted to them.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff plan clearly envisaged a Presidential directive; the McCormack plan appeared to do so; and when the Secretaries of State, War, and Navy reached agreement in January 1946, they also recommended action by Presidential directive. Secretary of State Byrnes apparently believed that the Reorganization Act of 1945 gave the President the authority he required and needed for the necessary authority and standing to develop, support, coordinate and direct an adequate Federal intelligence program. Ever cautious about separate legislation on intelligence, the White House drafted the armed forces unification bill included the establishment of a Central Intelligence Agency as one of its provisions. The White House continued to fear that a Central Intelligence Agency might prove controversial in the Congress and resisted efforts to expand the scope of the bill, hoping to keep the intelligence provisions as inconspicuous as possible and preferring that more detailed enabling legislation be submitted to Congress at a later date. The National Security Act of 1947 entered into force on September 19, 1947, and the Central Intelligence Agency came into being as a statutory body the next day. In creating the National Security Council, the National Security Act of 1947 provided the President with an invaluable forum for the consideration and coordination of domestic, foreign, and military policies related to America's security. In 1997, President Clinton of the United States of America, proclaimed September 14 through September 20, 1997, as a time to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the National Security Act of 1947.

The Patriot Act

In the last decade we have witnessed an enormous explosion in the amount of tracking and information of individuals in the United States. The explosion of computers, cameras, location sensors, wireless communication, biometrics, and other technologies is making it a lot easier to track, store, and analyse information about a individuals' activities. The law enforcement publication POLICE MAGAZINE published an article in their May-June 2004 issue in which The 5th United States Circuit Court has ruled that law enforcement officers are not required to obtain a search warrant prior to investigating a business or residence. This new decision was handed down in accord concerning the 1994 case of United States vs. Kelly Gould. The majority of the American population are not even aware of these laws that attack their freedoms. It took only 45 days after the September 11 attacks, and with virtually no debate, Congress passed the THE PATRIOT ACT. Many parts of this sweeping legislation take away the checks on law enforcement and threaten the very rights and freedoms that we are struggling to protect. For example, without a warrant and without probable cause, the FBI now has the power to access your most private medical records, your library records, and your student records. A veil of secrecy has shrouded the Patriot Act for years. Among the other documents released by the FBI is an e-mail that acknowledges that Section 215 can be used to obtain physical objects, in addition to records. It states the FBI could use Section 215 to obtain a person's apartment key. The Attorney General has previously acknowledged that Section 215 can be used to obtain computer files and even genetic information. Another document released by the FBI is an internal FBI memo, dated October 29, 2003, acknowledging that Section 215 of the Patriot Act can be used to obtain information about innocent people. The memo contradicts the governments assertion, made repeatedly on the public record, that Section 215 can be used only against suspected terrorists and spies. "It is remarkable that the government never made any effort to inform the plaintiffs or even the Court that it has begun using Section 215," said Ann Beeson, Associate Legal Director of the ACLU. Below are a few examples of The Patriot Act :

Sec. 215. Access to records and other items under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

Sec. 326. Verification of identification.

Sec. 351. Amendments relating to reporting of suspicious activities.

Sec. 405. Report on the integrated automated fingerprint identification system for ports of entry and overseas consular posts.

Subtitle Enhanced Immigration Provisions Sec. 416. Foreign student monitoring program. Sec. 503. DNA identification of terrorists and other violent offenders. Sec. 507. Disclosure of educational records.

The key to these law definitions is that their is no key. It's wording and it's meaning can be interrupted in numerous fashions. One example is what and whom are terrorists? What defines a terrorist ? One example, according to The Bush administration, is that a computer hacker is defined as a terrorist. My conclusion is that this type of government agenda reminds me of the Nazi mentality in the 1930s where the Nazi Party encouraged it's citizens to report suspicious activities being committed by their neighbors, their family, or fellow workers. The outcome led to the banning of all commerce and the rights of the jewish citizen, which led to Hitler's final solution according to his fascist views of "the jewish problem", known as the Holocaust, where millions of jewish origin and other citizens were murdered in the Nazi concentration camps in World War II. The similarities of The Patriot Act and The Third Reich are frightening due to their similar doctrine and the way both ideologies were born, and then made into law. The Domestic Security Enhancement Act (also called “Patriot Act 2”) Further dismantles court review of surveillance, such as terminating court approved limits on police spying on religious and political activity. It allows the government to obtain credit records and library records secretly and without judicial oversight. Allows wiretaps without a court order for up to 15 days following a terrorist attack Allows government to operate in secret by authorizing secret arrests, and imposing severe restrictions on the release of information about the hazards to the community posed by chemical and other plants. Patriot Act II further expands the reach of an already over broad definition of terrorism so that organizations engaged in civil disobedience are at risk of government wiretapping. The 2005 exposure of CIA ran concentration camps for suspected terrorist were being operated in countries outside of US legal jurisdiction on purpose. Torture and murder are being used in these camps. These are only a few examples. The vagueness and the exploitation of The Patriot Act include: Under the TIA program, every aspect of our lives would be catalogued and made available to government officials. The USA PATRIOT Act, at section 802, provides that any actions, occurring primarily within the United States, are “domestic terrorism” if they;

(1) “involve” a violation of state or federal criminal law.(2) “appear to be intended” to influence government policy or a civilian population by “intimidation or coercion.(3) “involve acts dangerous to human life.”

According to the wording of section 802, an act of littering could be deemed a terrorist act as all states classify littering a criminal offense, thus a violation of state law as portrayed above. The Patriot Act is nothing short of propaganda to invoke a false sense of security, as well as the loss of constitutional and civil rights of citizens and the elimination of judicial process. In April of 2004, The FBI, endorsed by The Department of Justice and the Drug Enforcement Agency submitted a 85 page proposal to the FCC requesting extra wire tapping and monitoring on all forms of Internet Communications. The proposal includes more eavesdropping capabilities on instant messaging, cable modems, DSL, and so forth. The 1994 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act ( The CALEA ) had established rules and legal guide lines for wire tapping telecommunications providers. The report released by the US Justice Department concerning convicted FBI agent Robert Hanssen was a startling revelation on the lax and careless measures committed by the FBI. It showed how a mediocre agent exploited lax security at the agency over a 20 year period. The 31 page report noted the failures and incompetence within the FBI which is almost frightening considering the FBI is the main security entity for American security and intelligence. Inspector General Glenn A. Fine noted a few of the outlandish and stupidity concerning the activities of FBI agent Robert Hanssen, who now sits in prison.

The United States is turning into a full fledged surveillance society leading the human race into a global society of Orwellian surveillance. The tremendous explosion in surveillance enabling technologies, combined with the ongoing weakening in legal restraints that protect our privacy mean that we are drifting toward a surveillance society. "Total Information Awareness" may be the closest thing to a true "Big Brother" program that has ever been seriously contemplated in the United States. TIA is based on a vision of pulling together as much information as possible about as many people as possible into a global database, making that information available to government officials, and sorting through it to try to identify terrorists or civilians whom pose a real or imagined threat to this Big Brother Society. Since the amount of public and private information on our lives is growing by leaps and bounds every week, a government project that seeks to put all that information together is a radical and frightening form of human profiling. TIA is run by the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), a branch of the Department of Defence that works on military research. TIA would represent a radical departure from the centuries old American tradition that the police conduct surveillance only where there is evidence of involvement in wrongdoing. It would seek to protect us by monitoring everyone for signs of wrongdoing, by instituting a giant dragnet capable of sifting through the personal lives of Americans. It would ruin the very American values that our government is supposed to be protecting the plus lives of our brave men and women in the current Iraq war whom are under the assumption that is what they are fighting. The TIA program is based on highly speculative assumptions about how databases can be used to stop terrorism, and this program in stopping terrorism is highly speculative, but the damage that it would do to American freedom is certain.

The use of computers have revolutionized global crime and has given law enforcement unlimited tools to fight cyber terrorist, even the tools of eliminating any rights, privacy, or judicial process. The United States was once founded on such documents as The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, Civil Rights, and all those other freedoms that US citizens take for granted. Not only have the citizens of The United States lost numerous freedoms, but like a cancer, it is spreading like a virus on a global scale. Americans have the right to expect that their lives will not become an open book when they have not done, and are not even suspected of doing, anything wrong and it harbors a tremendous potential for abuse. The motto of the TIA program is that “knowledge is power,” and in fact the keepers of the TIA database would gain a tremendous amount of power over American citizens. Inevitably, some of them will abuse that power. The government has not been shy about storing information in their data base, and it is envisioned as a primary source for the TIA database. The information that is generated and retained about our activities is becoming so rich that if all that information about us was put together, it would almost be like having a video camera following us around. Programs like TIA make such "data surveillance" a reality in today's global community. The U.S. government knows that the American people will never go for a national I.D. card or a national database of every Americans fingerprints and photographs. But that database theology is already here and being implemented. When did the government ever listen to it's citizens on the matters of privacy. This United States national data base already has details on 100 Million Americans claiming these policies are necessary to comply with international standards. An example of the kind of abuses that can happen were chronicled in a July 2001 investigation by the Detroit Free Press (and December 2001 follow up): the newspaper found that police officers with access to a database for Michigan law enforcement had used it to help their friends or themselves. The officers would threaten motorists, track estranged spouses, and to intimidate political opponents. Another example is J. Edgar Hoover, was notorious for abusing power, black mail, and even keeping American Presidents under his thumb. No one can hold the director of such a powerful agency as the FBI for more than forty years without some sort of hold over others in power. Hoover's abusive and criminal activities which are finally being revealed 20 years later have prompted many legislators to have his name removed from the FBI headquarters in Washington. Experience has shown that when large numbers of Americans challenge the governments policy (for example in Vietnam), some parts of the government react by conducting surveillance and using propaganda against these critics of freedom. The unavoidable truth is that a super database like the TIA will lead us into a One World Government and the surveillance of the human race.

GIS and COMPSTAT and other numerous crime mapping programs have been in use since 1990. The Geographic Information System ( GIS ) uses GPS satellites to analyse and map every square foot of the planet. In short, the Earth is transformed into a digital map. The usefulness of GIS to government law enforcement agencies is that these digital maps can be overlaid with strategic and tactical information as well monitoring and tracking technologies The GIS system was reportedly developed by the New York City Police Department in 1994 which was named COMPSTAT. The COMPSTAT program is a advanced tool for law enforcement to better it's efficiency and accuracy in collecting and documenting evidence, which includes the advance use of biometrics technology. COMPSTAT eventually grew into a nation wide data base for officers to access it, or abuse it. One draw back to this type of investigative tool was it may allow police to intrude on citizens privacy.

On July 4, 1966 President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed into law legislation the Freedom of Information Act ( FOIA) which entitled citizens, reporters, and historians to legally request and obtain copies of government documents, except for those documents that were specifically exempted. The FOIA has proven to be a vital tool in exposing and reporting acts to the public, in which a majority of the public were shocked at the actions and operations the government had committed. Over 6,000 new stories from the year 2002 through 2003 were reported which included the theft of weapons from United States stockpiles, the exposure of germ warfare chemicals on American soldiers in the 1960's, to other covert acts committed by those in governmental and military agencies. The government is making it harder to acquirer requested documents using the old excuse of national security to, as mentioned earlier, documents that were specifically exempted. This phrase " specifically exempted " in theory and under the colour of the law, could be translated into that ALL documents could be exempted.

The CIA has enjoyed many years of this operational exempted law and denial of any of it's operations makes them infallible to the law and the Constitution. A good example of such deception would be a 1968 incident in which a Soviet submarine exploded and sunk in the Pacific ocean. The government, wanting to gain the secrets of the Soviet submarine's technology used a specially built vessel, named the Glomar Explorer, to retrieve the sub and it's components in which it was partially successful. The incident was reported by the press but when it asked the CIA for documents under the FOIA, the CIA and the government denied any such operation existed. The CIA claimed that if a incident of this nature even existed, it would be protected by the classified documents that were specifically exempted from the FOIA. Even if the agency was forced to supply the documents, all you would get would be page after page of blacked out lines, information deemed classified or which may pose a threat to national security. This is what makes The Patriot Act such a dangerous law and already those in power are using it too trample the rights and laws that every american citizen are entitled too. And the abuse of this law, which was designed for terrorists, will be used for any operation the government deems justified. The FBI in Las Vegas used a investigation named Operation G-String to go after the cities biggest alleged strip club owner, Michael Galardi. Using The Patriot Act, which gives law enforcement agencies a green card to eavesdrop, wire-tap, even enter a business or home without a search warrant, without any form of judicial process, just do as they please and go after their enemies, real or imagined. As of this story, I don't see how a strip club poses a threat of terrorism. Even when The Patriot Act was passed after the 911 attacks, myself and many others which included civil libertarians, ACLU, claimed and knew this law would be abused. US Attorney General Ashcroft ( American equal of Adolf Hitler ) labelled these people as hysterics and preached that any weakening of The Patriot Act would endanger American lives. Another item of The Patriot Act allows the FBI to monitor the books people check out of public libraries. The Las Vegas FBI labelled Operation G-String lawful and told Shelley Burket, a Nevada Democrat that the investigation was legal and that The FBI was using the tools that Congress gave them. This FBI reply left Shelley Burket asking," When did The Patriot Act deem that our nation be kept safe from strip club owners?" Future abuses of this law will grow and until The American People see the ruthlessness and fallacy of this law, you may be yourself deemed a terrorist associate because you had purchased ice cream from a company that made it is suspected of having terrorists ties.

One World Government.

The United Nations Assembly Council can be seen as a form of The New World Order & One World Government

Since World War II, secret groups of bankers, politicians, and scientists have met regularly to plan the creation of a one world government. These people do not trust democracy because they know the average patriotic American or Canadian would never willingly surrender his country and constitution to be ruled by some faceless foreign leaders on some secret international committee. In the early 1970's Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter's National Security Advisor, founded the Trilateral Commission under financial control and direction of David Rockefeller, chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. His books and confidential reports to these organizations have developed many of the basic strategies of the coming New World Order. Even Albert Einstein was interviewed in The Atlantic Monthly by reporter Raymon Swing in November 1945 and November 1947. Einstein was against giving the secrets of the atomic bomb to the United Nations, but was leaning more to a world government. This world government he stated should be started by the three major military powers of that time which was The United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union. This new world government would share it's nuclear secrets with the Russians to make them less suspicious, because they had not yet acquired nuclear technology at the time.

World Trade Bank in Washington D.C.

As a result of Brzezinski's input they developed a more subtle plan that appeared to create a competition between three economic and political super states. However, the hidden reality was the the The United States, Japan, and Germany represented three branches of a global enterprise. The plan required each of the three superpowers to take the first steps to dominate and finally merge the nations in their own area. Public opinion is being persuaded by the media to accept the loss of sovereignty in return for the promised blessing of a stable international, political and economic New World Order. Once this stage is complete the final step will be to merge the three superpowers into a One World Government. On January 30,1976,32 Senators and 92 Representatives signed The Declaration of Inter dependence. This document was an attempt to create propaganda for the the planned New World Order. This was their statement, " Two centuries ago our forefathers brought forth a new nation; now we must join with others to bring forth a new world order. Germany is now conquering the nations of Europe through economic and political means. Japan is rapidly dominating the countries it tried to conquer in World War II and now is forming a new Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere. The United States has created The North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA) to consolidate the economies of Mexico, Canada and America. This Trilateral approach succeeded in creating the impression among many people that there is a true international competition underway between The United States, Europe and Japan.

The One World Bank

World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank originated during World War II in preparation for post-war international financial and economic cooperation. Initiated by the United States and Great Britain, these efforts culminated in the UN Monetary and Financial Conference held in July 1944 at Bretton Woods, N.H., U.S. Forty-four nations attended the conference, although the resulting system of international post-war reconstruction and monetary relations, known as the Bretton Woods system, was based on liberal principles articulated largely by the United States. The principal functions of the World Bank are to assist in the reconstruction and development of its member countries by facilitating capital investment for productive purposes, to promote private foreign investment by guarantees of and participation in loans and other investments made by private investors, and to make loans for productive purposes out of its own resources or funds borrowed by it when private capital is not available on reasonable terms. The IMF was designed to stabilize international monetary rates and promote foreign exchange cooperation, though its function of extending loans for structural adjustments has increased dramatically. Both agencies have been focal points of contention between the Western industrialized and Third World countries, the former insisting on adherence to market principles and the latter asserting that such adherence causes undue hardships for developing states. The primary focus of these agencies has shifted from the advanced industrialized countries to Third World states owing to successful post-war reconstruction in the West, decolonization, and difficulties in development in the Third World that were exacerbated by the oil shocks of the 1970s. Both agencies are powerful players on the international economic scene.

The World Bank encompasses three separate institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), which is its most important component; the International Development Association (IDA); and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Twenty-nine nations signed its articles of agreement in 1945. By the early 1990s the bank had more than 160 members. The bank is governed by an executive board and a managing director. Voting in the bank is weighted according to initial contributions to the bank's capital. The World Bank may lend funds directly, guarantee loans made by others, or participate in such loans. Loans may be made to member countries directly or to any of their political subdivisions or to private business or agricultural enterprises in the territories of members. The World Bank obtains its funds for loans primarily from borrowings in the capital markets. Its soft-loan component, the IDA (established in 1960), lends to low income countries on more favorable terms, free of interest except for a small service charge. The IFC (established in 1956) provides loans to private business in developing countries.

Most of the World Bank's loans in its early years underwrote large-scale infrastructure projects--roads, railways, ports, power facilities, and telecommunications. Since about 1970 an increasing proportion of World Bank lending has been for agricultural, educational, and population programs in the Third World. Many programs have met with little or mixed success in their goal of pulling developing states out of poverty and increasing self-sufficiency, and so have engendered controversy. Furthermore, the bank's lending was further complicated in the 1980s by the world debt crisis and the fact that many debt-plagued states fell behind in loan repayments. The World Bank has, more recently, committed itself to sector assistance for farmers and business entrepreneurs as well as to projects that meet the environmental criteria outlined by the UN Environment Program.

The IMF came into existence in December 1945, but its first transactions were not made until 1947. It is administered by a board of governors and 22 executive directors. Member governments subscribe the IMF's operating funds. Each member has a quota based on a formula that includes its GNP, reserves, and trade potential and pays its quota in its own currency or with a mix of its currency and acceptable reserve assets, including " special drawing rights" (or SDRs), which allow a country to purchase currency for other transactions. A member's quota determines both its voting power in the agency and access to funds. Members may arrange standby credits to use as and if necessary. The IMF has created a number of "facilities" under which it provides loans to countries facing particular difficulties. The expansion of world trade, coupled with a succession of international financial crises, created a demand for additional reserves that could be used in the settlement of international balances. In 1971, as a result of these crises, the U.S. dollar went off the gold standard, marking the formal end of the Bretton Woods monetary system. By March 1973, a system of generalized floating had taken its place and is still used today. As a result, the IMF no longer intervened to stabilize monetary relations in currency crises; rather, its attention since the 1970s has been focused on the world debt crisis. (see also Index: international trade, floating exchange rate)

The IMF's lending has been intended to be for short-term purposes. In practice, this has worked more effectively for advanced countries, which formed the bulk of IMF recipients until the late 1960s, than for developing countries, which applied for funds in increasing numbers after the oil crisis of 1973. Many developing countries have become dependent on IMF loans, given uncertain export markets, the high cost of imports, and preexisting heavy debt burdens to both the IMF and private banks. Moreover, IMF conditionally, whereby the agency insists on certain measures of structural adjustment before approving loans, has generated controversy between the advanced industrial states, which wield the greatest voting power in the agency, and Third World states, which apply for loans. IMF conditions may include provisions for lifting foreign exchange restrictions and price controls, liberalizing trade, and cutting spending to balance budgets. In imposing these conditions, the IMF wields considerable influence on the domestic economic policies of the states that apply for assistance. Despite the relatively strict conditions often attached to loans, membership in the IMF has increased over the years, and loans were extended to Russia and a number of eastern European states after the end of the Cold War.

The United Nations

 The United Nations ( UN) was formed during World War II by the allied nations in hope that it could be used to prevent another disastrous world war. However, in the past five decades 1945-1998 more than 37 million people were killed in over 340 wars. While we talk about peace, the world still arms for Armageddon. Despite the collapse of The Soviet Union, six hundred major Russian arms factories are running 24 hours a day. Despite the talk of peace there is a greater threat of war today than any other time since 1945. The United Nations was founded on the basis of respect for the individual sovereignty of each member nation. A fundamental principle of the UN was that the international body would never interfere in the internal affairs of a sovereign member nation. However, with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the growing support for a New World Order this principle of non-interference has eroded to the point of extinction. As an example, following the Gulf War, the UN massively intervened in Iraq's internal affairs to carve out an enclave to protect the Kurdish minority in northern Iraq from the armed attacks of Saddam Hussein.

The New York Times published an article entitled "The New World Army" in March, 1992, calling for the creation of a permanent UN army. The bill for 11 UN peacekeeping missions involving 77,000 blue helmeted UN troops could exceed 3.7 billion dollars. As demands grow for a permanent UN rapid deployment army, negotiations have commenced to include Russia, European, Canadian, and American Special Forces in the core of the future New World Army. One of the most dangerous things about the UN Charter and various other international treaties is that they literally supersede the constitutions of our democratic countries. As an example, the US Constitution states that treaties signed by the Senate supersede our own Constitution. There fore, if there is a conflict between a UN treaty and the laws of the Untied States, the Supreme Court will demand that the government obey the dictates of The United Nations treaty. The United Nations maintains its headquarters in New York City. It also has offices in Geneva and Vienna and operates field stations in other cities around the world. The United Nations (UN) became the successor to the League of Nations and absorbed much of the latter's administrative and physical apparatus when it was disbanded in 1946. The United Nations formed a continuum with the League in general purpose, structure, and functions; many of the United Nations' principal organs and related agencies were adopted from similar structures established earlier in the century. In some respects, however, the United Nations constituted a very different organization from the League, especially with regard to the objective of maintaining international peace and security. Differences with the League were due to changes incorporated into the UN's decision making apparatus and to changes in the nature of international relations. Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union (until its dissolution in 1991-92) deeply affected the security functions of the United Nations during its first 45 years, while extensive post-World War II decolonization in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East increased the volume and nature of political, economic, and social issues that confronted the organization. Finally, the end of the Cold War in 1990 brought renewed attention and appeals to the United Nations, posing challenges to established practices and functions, especially in the areas of conflict resolution and humanitarian assistance, in the midst of an increasingly volatile geopolitical climate.

International organization established by charter on Oct. 24, 1945, with the purposes of maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations on the principle of equal rights and self-determination, and encouraging international cooperation in solving international economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems. The term United Nations was originally used during World War II to denote those countries that were allied against the Axis powers (Germany, Japan, and Italy). A conference at Dumbarton Oaks, an estate in Washington, D.C., was the earliest attempt to permanently establish this United Nations. Representatives of the "Big Four" (United Kingdom, United States, U.S.S.R., and China) met there from Aug. 21 to Oct. 7, 1944, to draft some preliminary proposals, which were later discussed and more clearly outlined at the Yalta Conference in February 1945 by the Allied war leaders Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. The proposals, supplemented by these three leaders' decisions, formed the basis of negotiations at the United Nations Conference on International Organization, held in San Francisco two months later; the resultant Charter of the United Nations was signed in June and came into force on Oct. 24, 1945. The United Nations' headquarters is now located at the UN Building in New York City. Six principal organs of the United Nations were established.

The General Assembly (q.v.) includes representatives of all members of the UN. A nation may send up to five representatives but still has only one vote. Decisions are reached either by majority or by two-thirds vote, depending upon the subject matter. The General Assembly works through the committee system and receives reports from the various councils. It performs such functions as supervising trust agreements, budgetary matters, and financial assessments. The assembly elects judges to the International Court of Justice and plays an important role in amending the UN's charter and proposing conferences. It is convened yearly or by special session when necessary.

The Security Council (q.v.) consists of 5 permanent members--United States, Russia (until 1991, the U.S.S.R.), United Kingdom, France, and China--and 10 non permanent members (6 until 1965). The council functions continuously and is mainly concerned with the maintenance of international security. The presidency is rotated among members each month. Non permanent members are chosen from groups and regions in the most equitable fashion possible. Nine votes (including those of all five permanent members) are sufficient to carry a Security Council decision, but any permanent member may exercise a veto over any substantive proposal.

The Economic and Social Council (q.v.) is mainly concerned with the management of the UN's social, economic, cultural, and humanitarian activities. Convening at least twice yearly, this council conducts studies and proposes suggestions for economic and social improvements. The council oversees many commissions, including four major ones in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

The International Court of Justice (q.v.), also known as the World Court, is located in The Hague. It is the main judicial branch of the UN and consists of 15 judges elected for nine-year terms by both the General Assembly and the Security Council. Each judge must come from a different country. The court settles disputes and hands down decisions and opinions to the General Assembly and the Security Council. [Table]

The Secretariat (q.v.) is the administrative department of the UN, headed by the secretary-general, who functions in a position of political importance and is appointed for a five-year term by both the General Assembly and the Security Council. (see also Index: Secretariat)

The United Nations attempts to promote harmonious interaction among the countries of the world. The UN has sometimes used peacekeeping forces to halt fighting in or between various countries. (The UN peacekeeping forces were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1988.) Other programs and agencies under the UN's supervision include the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank); International Monetary Fund (IMF); International Labour Organization (ILO; recipient of the 1969 Nobel Peace Prize); Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); World Health Organization (WHO); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF; recipient of the 1965. Like the League of Nations before it, the United Nations is concerned with issues of human rights, including the rights of women and children, refugee resettlement, and narcotics control. Some of its greatest successes have been in the area of improving the health and welfare of the world's population.

The New World Order

Both the short comings and the limited practicability of all the approaches to the elimination of war through the reform of the international system have driven many thinkers to accept the idea that war can only be abolished by a full scale world government. No midway solution between the relative anarchy of independent, individual states and a world government with the full paraphernalia of legislative powers and of an overwhelming military force would provide a sufficiently stable international framework for the nations to feel that wars would not break out and thus stop them from behavior that is often conducive to wars. In an age faced with the danger of a war escalating into a general extermination of mankind, the central importance of preserving peace is obvious and is generally accepted. But here the thinkers divide. Some press on from this analysis to the logical conclusion that mankind must, and, therefore, will establish a world government, and they advance ideas how best to proceed in this direction. Others regard the world government as completely utopian, no matter how logical and desirable it may be. Yet, in terms of actual policies, the adherents of the two schools do not necessarily divide. Whether they do or do not believe that world government is attainable, they do agree that the complex phenomenon of war represents a potential calamity of such a magnitude that all theorists must endeavour to understand it and to apply their understanding to the prevention and mitigation of war with all the means at their disposal.


Monetary systems are today very much alike in all the major countries of the world. They consist of three levels: (1) the holders of money (the "public")--individuals, businesses, governmental units; (2) commercial banks (privately or governmentally owned), which borrow from the public and make loans to individuals, firms, or governments; and (3) central banks, which have a monopoly on the issue of certain types of money, serve as the bankers for the central government and the commercial banks, and have the power to determine the quantity of money. Time Magazine's April 1998 Cover explained about the new Debit card in which all money transactions and information on you will be stored on a computer chip debit card.

The New Euro Dollar Nations. The beginning of the reunification of the Roman Empire.


Jacque Delors and, Past Current President Santer Jacques of The ECC which resides on the 13th floor of the Berlaymont, the enourmoud headquarters in Brussels Belgium.

European Common Market World Headquarters in Brussels Belgium

Santer, Jacques

  "The right man in the right place at the right time," as he was called by British Prime Minister John Major, or the lowest common denominator, as others said of him, Jacques Santer came to the presidency of the European Commission as a compromise choice. He was selected for a five-year term by the European Council, the heads of government of the 12 member nations of the European Union (EU), at a special meeting on July 15, 1994, and confirmed by a majority of only 22 votes in the 567-seat European Parliament one week later. Santer was drafted after Major had vetoed the selection of Belgian Prime Minister Jean-Luc Dehaene, whose candidacy had been advanced by France and Germany. Santer, who was reelected in June 1994 to his third term as prime minister of Luxembourg, would assume the reins of the EU administration in January 1995, at a crucial time in the EU's movement toward political and economic integration. The Maastricht Treaty, which established the ground rules for that integration, was scheduled for review in 1996. Several of the "Euroskeptical" signees had begun to waver as the Commission, Parliament, and member nations battled over sharing power. Even if Santer might lack the commanding presence of his predecessor, France's Jacques Delors (for 10 years the voice of EU centralization), his skills as a quiet conciliator would still be much in demand. It was under his guidance, during Luxembourg's six-month stewardships of the rotating presidency of the European Council, that essential agreements were reached in 1985 and 1991--concerning a single economic market and the Maastricht Treaty, respectively. Santer's vision was of a federalized, "non-Napoleonic" Europe ("The more Europe is decentralized, the stronger it is," he said)--not the predominant view. Holding his own with influential Eurocrats such as the U.K.'s Sir Leon Brittan, within the Commission and outside it, would require statesmanship of the highest order.

Born on May 18, 1937, in Wasserbillig, Luxembourg, Santer graduated from the Athénée de Luxembourg, studied law at the Universities of Strasbourg and Paris (with a degree from the latter), and attended the Institute of Political Science in Paris. Shortly after beginning his law career, he entered politics, serving the Christian Social People's Party as its parliamentary secretary (1966-72; becoming Luxembourg's secretary of state for social and cultural affairs in the last year), secretary-general (1972-74), and ultimately president (1974-82). In 1975 he became a member of the European Parliament and was re-elected in 1979 and 1984. He was elected Luxembourg's prime minister in 1984 and at different times during his three terms took on the additional portfolios of Finance and Communications, Treasury, and Cultural Affairs. From 1987 to 1990 he also assumed the leadership of the European People's Party, the coalition that united Christian Democratic and Christian Social parties in the European Parliament.

Jacque Delors

  (b. July 20, 1925, Paris, France), French statesman who was president of the European Commission, the executive body of the European Community (EC), from 1985. The son of a courier at the Banque de France, Delors himself joined the bank in 1945, later earning a degree in economics from the Sorbonne. He became active in the Christian Trade Union Confederation (renamed the Democratic Trade Union Confederation in 1964) and was named its economic adviser in 1950. In 1962 he left the Banque de France, where he had quickly risen to an executive position, to head the social affairs division of the state's General Planning Commission. From 1969 to 1972 he served as chief adviser on social affairs to Prime Minister Jacques Chaban-Delmas's "new society" program.

Delors joined the Socialist Party in 1974 and in 1976 became the party's national delegate for international economic relations. In 1979 he was elected to the European Parliament, where he served as chairman of the economic and monetary committee. In 1981 François Mitterrand, the newly elected Socialist president, appointed Delors minister of economics and finance. The French economy was then in recession, and Delors initially carried out the Socialist recovery plan of increasing government controls and spending. He eventually convinced Mitterrand to accept his program of austerity, however, which succeeded in restoring relative economic stability.

Delors left government to become the president of the European Commission in 1985. He revitalized the long-stalled EC, pushing through reforms and persuading the member states to agree to the creation of a single market, to take effect from Jan. 1, 1993, the first step toward full economic and political integration.


For 45 years Europe had been divided by the Iron Curtain. Though tragic and often tense, the Cold War nonetheless imposed stability on Europe and allowed the western sector, at least, to prosper as never before. The end of Communism, therefore, posed several vexing questions. Would a united Germany dominate Europe economically and waver dangerously between East and West in foreign policy? Could the new democracies of east-central Europe achieve Western levels of prosperity and avoid the ethnic strife that had sparked two world wars? In the short run, the worst fears were not realized. Chancellor Kohl took every opportunity to reaffirm Germany's commitment to the idea of a united Europe, while the high cost of rehabilitating the former East Germany allayed fears of a German economic hegemony. Europe's long-term stability, however, depended on the continued vitality of institutions built up during the Cold War. Would the EC and the NATO alliance remain vigorous in the absence of a Soviet threat? In the 1980s the dynamic Jacques Delors had revived the momentum of European integration by promoting the Single European Act, under which EC members were to establish full economic and monetary union, with substantial coordination of foreign and social policies, by 1992. Most of Delors's provisions were embodied in the Maastricht Treaty approved by the 12 EC member states (Spain and Portugal had been admitted in 1986) in December 1991. This unprecedented surrender of national sovereignty worried governments and voters, however. A national referendum in France barely approved the treaty, the Danes rejected it the first time around, and the government of John Major, Thatcher's successor as British prime minister, nearly fell from power before persuading Parliament to ratify Maastricht in July 1993. The treaty went into effect on November 1. In order to create "an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe," Maastricht replaced the old EC with a new European Union (EU), enhanced the powers of the European Parliament at Strasbourg, promised monetary union by 1999, promoted common policies on crime, immigration, social welfare, and the environment, and called for "joint action" in foreign and security policy. The EU promptly voted to "broaden" as well as "deepen" its membership by approving the applications on March 29 of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Austria (although Norwegian voters later rejected joining).

EC), formerly (until Nov. 1, 1993) EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (EEC), byname COMMON MARKET, economic association of European countries that was established to promote European economic unity. The EEC was established in the wake of World War II to promote the lasting reconciliation of France and Germany, to develop the economies of the member states into one large common market, and to try to develop a political union of the states of western Europe capable of alleviating their fears of war with each other. The liberalized trade policies sponsored by the EC from the 1950s were highly successful in increasing trade and economic prosperity in western Europe. The EC is now the principal organization within the European Union (q.v.).The European Economic Community was formally established by one of the Treaties of Rome in 1957 to facilitate (1) the removal of barriers to trade among the member nations, (2) the establishment of a single commercial policy toward non-member countries, (3) the eventual coordination of members' transportation systems, agricultural policies, and general economic policies, (4) the removal of private and public measures restricting free competition, and (5) the assurance of the mobility of labour, capital, and entrepreneurship among the members. The original members were France, Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Italy, and West Germany. The United Kingdom, Denmark, and Ireland joined in 1973, Greece in 1981, and Portugal and Spain in 1986. The former East Germany was admitted as part of reunified Germany in 1990. Austria, Finland, and Sweden joined the European Union, and hence the EC, in 1995. (see also Index: Rome, Treaties of)

Plans for a common market in western Europe had been discussed in 1955 at a meeting in Messina, Sicily; the treaty was finally signed in March 1957, and the EEC came into operation on Jan. 1, 1958. The four primary structural organs of the EEC were the Commission, the Council of Ministers, the Court of Justice, and the European Parliament; the last two were also to serve the other two branches of the European Communities,the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). From the beginning one of the EEC's main goals was to eliminate the tariffs, customs duties, and quotas that its members imposed on each other's exports. Accordingly, the first reduction in EEC internal tariffs was implemented in January 1959, and this proved so successful in stimulating trade between member states that by July 1968 all internal tariffs had been removed. Trade among the member nations of the EEC quadrupled in value in the period from 1958 to 1968. Meanwhile, the EEC had adopted a common external tariff so that all of its member states imposed uniform duties on goods imported from non-member nations.

A common agricultural policy was established in 1962 and consisted of a system of common guaranteed prices (expressed in dollar terms for convenience) that would offer protection against agricultural imports from lower-cost markets outside the EEC. Because of the high cost of price supports and the resentment of the manufacturing countries, which felt that they were being forced to subsidize inefficient agriculture, the community in 1979 agreed to gradually eliminate the subsidies, replacing them with an intervention price designed to prevent agricultural prices from falling below fixed levels. The European Communities came into existence on July 1, 1967, in the merger of the EEC, the ECSC, and Euratom. Previously each of these three separate organizations had its own commission (called the High Authority in the case of the ECSC) and its own council. The merger created a single Commission of the European Communities and a single Council of Ministers of the European Communities. Other executive, legislative, and judicial bodies were also collected under the umbrella of the EC. The plural was dropped from the EC's name in the 1980s as the economic integration of the nations of western Europe progressed, and the organization became known as the European Community. In 1993 the European Community became the basis for the European Union. At the same time, the European Economic Community was renamed the European Community. The economic history of the EEC (and of the EC) since the 1970s is subsumed in that of the European Union.

The Euro Dollar Active Since, January 1, 1999

  The first meeting of the European Central Bank's board will mark a new era in monetary policy and for the entire world. The new bank will be one of the most powerful economic and monetary institutions in world history, rivalling The United States Federal Reserve. On Jan. 1,1998,the European Central Bank will set interest rates of more than 290 million Europeans compared to the 266 million people in the United States. Below were preposed designs for the Euro currency.

In Greek mythology, the daughter either of Phoenix or of Agenor, king of Phoenicia. The beauty of Europa inspired the love of Zeus, who approached her in the form of a white bull and carried her away from Phoenicia to Crete. There she bore Zeus three sons: King Minos of Crete, King Rhadamanthus of the Cyclades Islands, and, according to some legends, Prince Sarpedon of Lycia. She later married the king of Crete, who adopted her sons, and she was worshiped under the name of Hellotis in Crete, where the festival Hellotia was held in her honour.

The Rebirth of The Roman Empire

The name and origin of Europe is unknown but mythologic tradition states the Greek God Zeus enticed a Phoenician king's daughter who was named Europa. Zeus fell in love with Europa and transformed himself into a bull. Zeus, disguised as the bull then enticed Europa onto his back where they then went to Crete. On the island of Crete, Europa became queen and the mother of Minoan kings which are said to be the earliest civilization to inhabit European soil in the time period of 3,600 BC. The creation of the city of Rome was said to be founded and created by two men named Romulus and Remus around the time period of 753 BC in which Rome was the global empire until the time period of 476 AD.


  MARCH 2004; The European Union (EU) is a family of democratic European countries, committed to working together for peace and prosperity. It is not a State intended to replace existing states, but it is more than any other international organisation. The EU is, in fact, unique. Its Member States have set up common institutions to which they delegate some of their sovereignty so that decisions on specific matters of joint interest can be made democratically at European level. The historical roots of the European Union lie in the Second World War. The idea of European integration was conceived to prevent such killing and destruction from ever happening again. It was first proposed by the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman in a speech on 9 May 1950. This date, the "birthday" of what is now the EU, is celebrated annually as Europe Day.

There are five EU institutions, each playing a specific role: European Parliament (elected by the peoples of the Member States);Council of the European Union (representing the governments of the Member States);European Commission (driving force and executive body);Court of Justice (ensuring compliance with the law);Court of Auditors (controlling sound and lawful management of the EU budget).

These are flanked by five other important bodies:European Economic and Social Committee (expresses the opinions of organised civil society on economic and social issues);Committee of the Regions (expresses the opinions of regional and local authorities);European Central Bank (responsible for monetary policy and managing the euro);European Ombudsman (deals with citizens' complaints about maladministration by any EU institution or body);European Investment Bank (helps achieve EU objectives by financing investment projects);A number of agencies and other bodies complete the system. The below countries are current members of The Eu or will be members in the very near future. Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg The Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Czech Republic Estonia Cyprus Latvia Lithuania Hungary Malta Poland Slovenia Slovakia Bulgaria Romania Turkey. In May, 2004 Slovenia and several other countries from the old Soviet Communist block will also be granted membership into The EU.


  On 1 January 2002, the euro banknotes and coins were introduced in 12 Member States of the European Union, with seven different banknotes and eight coins. The euro has been a feature of the financial landscape since 1 January 1999. On 1 January 2002, it became a physical reality across Europe when the new euro banknotes and coins were introduced. The national central banks of the European Union, along with the European Central Bank, make up the European System of Central Banks (NCBs). The NCBs of Member States not participating in the current euro areas of Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom, have a special status which allows them to conduct their own national monetary policies, but not to take part in deciding and implementing monetary policy for the whole euro area. The Euro system constutes the national central banks of the euro area together with the ECB, known as the Euro system. The Eurosystem's primary objective is the maintenance of price stability. It meets its objectives through deciding and implementing monetary policy; conducting foreign exchange operations, and operating payment systems. The NCBs of the participating Member States played a key role in the smooth transition to the euro. Their responsibilities included, introducing the euro in their respective countries, managing the changeover from national currencies to the euro, creating the necessary systems to effectively circulate the euro banknotes and coins, withdrawing national currencies; and providing advice about and promoting the use of the euro.

The arrival of the euro, however, means much more than exchanging one currency for another. It involves individuals and businesses not only in the countries that have joined the single currency, but all over the world. It is in Europe's best interests to familiarise themselves and the global economy with the look and feel of the euro banknotes and coins. The new coins, over 50 billion of them, have one side common to all 12 countries and a reverse side specific to each country, while the 14.5 billion banknotes look the same throughout the euro area. Altogether, the banknotes and coins produced a total new currency of over €664 billion. The current 12 Member States of the European Union now participating in the common currency are Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, and Finland. Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom are members of the European Union but are not as yet currently participating in the single currency. Denmark is a member of the Exchange Rate Mechanism II (ERM II), which means that the Danish krone is linked to the euro, although the exchange rate is not fixed.


This is the European flag. It is the symbol not only of the European Union but also of Europe's unity and identity in a wider sense. The circle of gold stars represents solidarity and harmony between the peoples of Europe. The number of stars has nothing to do with the number of Member States. There are twelve stars because the number twelve is traditionally the symbol of perfection, completeness and unity. The flag will therefore remain unchanged regardless of future EU enlargements. The history of the flag goes back to 1955. At that time, the European Union existed only in the form of the European Coal and Steel Community, with just six Member States. But a separate body with a larger membership, the Council of Europe, had been set up several years earlier and was busy defending human rights and promoting European culture. The Council of Europe was considering what symbol to adopt for its own use. After much discussion, the present design was adopted - a circle of twelve gold stars on a blue background. In various traditions, twelve is a symbolic number representing perfection. It is also, of course, the number of months in a year and the number of hours shown on a clock face. The circle is, among other things, a symbol of unity. So the European flag was born, representing the ideal of unity among the peoples of Europe. The Council of Europe then encouraged other European institutions to adopt the same flag and, in 1983, the European Parliament took up the call. Finally, in 1985, the flag was adopted by all EU heads of State and government as the official emblem of the European Union, which, in those days, was called the European Communities. All European institutions have been using it since the beginning of 1986.


The two law enforcement agencies named Europol and Eurojust, have been set up to help the EU member states cooperate in the fight against organized international crime. This cooperation in criminal matters is the "third pillar" of the EU. Europol and Eurojust carry out very specific tasks in the context of the dialogue, mutual assistance, joint efforts and cooperation between the police, customs, immigration services and justice departments of the EU member states. Europol became fully operational in 1999; Eurojust was set up in 2002. Both agencies are based in The Hague, The Netherlands. Europol, the European Police Office, was set up in 1992 to handle Europe wide criminal intelligence. Europol's aim is to help the EU member states cooperate more closely and effectively in preventing and combating organized international crime. Europol supports member states by making it easier for national law enforcement agencies to exchange information, providing operational analysis, including providing expertise and technical support for investigations and operations. One of Europol's duties is to establish and maintain a computerized system to allow the input, access and analysis of data. A Joint Supervisory Body, comprising two data protection experts from each EU country, monitors the content and use of all personal data held by Europol. Europol is accountable to the Justice and Home Affairs Council, the justice and home affairs ministers of all the EU countries. The Europol Management Board comprises one representative from each EU country. The EUROPOL web site rule of law is fundamental to the European Union. All EU decisions and procedures are based on the Treaties, which are agreed by all the EU countries.

The Rise of The Roman Empire

Charlemagne - Napoleon - Hitler

  JANUARY 2004; Some call it The European Common Market, The ECC, The United States of Europe, but it is the rebirth of The Roman Empire. The ECC will grow to 25 countries this year, which will include eight former Soviet bloc countries. More work still needs to be completed in the unification process. The agreement and approval of a European Constitution and the equality of a nation's voting power, regardless of it's population, are the current the main delays of The Roman Empire's rebirth.

The fall of The Roman Empire occurred around 300-500 B.C. In 800 A.D. Charlemagne, the king of Franks, briefly began the rebuilding of the empire to some degree of success, but after his death, the empire fell apart rather quickly. In 1802, Napoleon's rise to rebuild the empire also met with disaster. France's foreign minister Dominique de Villepin published a book which vindicated Napoleon's vision of a future Great European Unity of the future. In the 1930s, Hitler loyalists instituted the salute " Heil Hitler," modelled after the " Hail Caesar " tribute. Hitler envisioned a German empire of Europe. In 1933 Italy's fascist Benito Mussolini declared that The Roman Empire must rise again. Britain's 1930s leading fascists Oswald Mosely, also cried for The Empire's return. The 1946 Zurich speech of Winston Churchill included the call for a United States of Europe.

Europe has really no choice but to incorporate and consolidate it's territory, economy, and it's military into a revived Roman Empire to survive in today's globalized world economy. The only super power in the world today has been The United States, after the fall of The Soviet Union in the 1990s. The military strength of the Asian nations, mainly China, may come close to the equality and military numbers of The United States, but in economics, technology, and nuclear capabilities, The United States has had no equal in the world since 1945. One could make a point that The Roman Empire already has been reborn, and it is stronger, more aggressive, and will not hesitate to crush it's enemies when it concerns threats to it's interests, and is the richest empire ever in world history. But the capitol of today's Roman Empire isn't in Rome, Italy. It's in Washington DC . But history has proven all empires will fall, from Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and eventually, The United States. The final and last world empire will be The One World Government.

The United Kingdom & Big Brother

Controversial plans to introduce a compulsory identity card scheme have been unveiled in the Queen's Speech. The cards, which had to be dropped ahead of the election, will be linked to a National Identity Register holding information on all UK residents. Home Secretary Charles Clarke said there had been "technical" changes to the new bill to take account of previous objections to the plans. Ministers say the new Identity Cards Bill will help protect people from identity fraud and theft, and tackle illegal working and immigration abuse. They claim it will disrupt the use of false and multiple identities by terrorists and other criminals, and ensure free public services are used only by those entitled to them. The ID scheme will cost an estimated £3bn and see each UK citizen being issued with a "biometric" card bearing fingerprints and other personal details which will also be stored on a new National Identity Register database. The cards will be issued by a new Home Office executive agency, which will take over the functions of the UK Passport Service and work closely with the Home Office's Immigration and Nationality Directorate. In another blow to online privacy in The United Kingdom, The House of Lords passed a law where the government may place every e-mail and phone account under surveillance with only minor amendments. The director of Privacy International, Simon Davies was quoted, " I would have no hesitation in taking legal action against a communication service who comply with a regulation that is unlawful, illegal, dangerous. This is a another shameful episode of the government snooping on it's citizens." Below are just a few known technologies in use today or will be in use in the near future.

Global Positioning Satellites ( Used to pinpoint or monitor various areas or individuals on the planet. )

Artificial Intelligence ( A self and independent computer or program which can resolve problems as with the human brain. )

Biometrics ( The various forms of identity verification which range from scanning the eye to fingerprints. )

Facial & Voice Recognition ( Computer programs used to recognize various features and pinpoint them to an individual. )

DNA ( From a simple Q-Tip swab of a person's mouth, your DNA profile can be obtained and stored in a data base to ensure identification or saved for future analysis. )

The British government is proposing a law that every child born should be genetically screened and their DNA recorded and then stored in a government computer data base. The proposals were welcomed by many of Britain's medical researchers claiming the data would be crucial in screening new births for the purpose of diagnosis of future health care problems. The U.K. health minister, John Reid stated, "Increasing understanding of genetics will bring more accurate diagnosis, more personalized prediction of risk, new gene based drugs and therapies which would better target treatment and prevention."The director of the Welcome Trust, which funded the UK contribution to the Human Genome Project stated, " We are delighted that the government is making efforts to turn too genetic information which is crucial to the future of the British health care system." Opponents of this new law stated these DNA records would create a future genetic underclass of civilians who may be denied jobs, health care, and even loans due to a DNA record, which future employers could use to screen out high risk applicants. US President George W. Bush has reportedly backed proposals which prohibit such " genetic branding of human beings " But in the area of politics, you tell the people what they want to hear and not the truth. Already in the US the police can take DNA samples from individuals charged with an offense, which is then stored in national data-base. An amendment to The Criminal Justice Act is already under way where anyone who is arrested, or even suspected, would be subject to having their DNA sample entered into the national data-base. In July 2000, A surveillance bill granting the U.K. government sweeping powers to access e-mail and other encrypted Internet communications passed its final vote in the House of Commons and is set to become law on Oct. 5, 2000. Among other provisions, the Regulation of Investigator Powers (RIP) bill requires Internet service providers in the U.K. to track all data traffic passing through their computers and route it to the Government Technical Assistance Centre (GTAC). The GTAC is being established in the London headquarters of the U.K. security service MI5 – the equivalent to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the U.S. The House of Commons, which had already passed the bill.

U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair announced the approval of biometrics identify cards in October 2005 after The House of Commons passed the proposal with a 309 to 284 votes. The identity cards will store a citizen's finger prints, iris scan, and facial recognition technology. The U.K. biometrics identity cards may set the global standard for all nations in which the global population will be marked and scanned and the biometrics information then stored in a global data base.

London Hackers Quest To Stop Big Brother

The "2600" clubs are a kind of hacker "boy scout" organization and there are local 2600 chapters all around the globe. The name comes from the frequency that a dial tone emits; copying that frequency with a whistle allowed hackers in the 1970s to steal free telephone time. The London 2600 chapter, with about 100 or so members who come and go, meet once a month at the Webshack, which the hackers spell Websh@ck, accent on the last four letters, or a nearby McDonald's. Hackers often resort to hacking a corporation or government web site to get the attention of journalists, but that's not what their really about. In the minds of many 2600 members, it became clear what's on the mind of London's hackers: George Orwell. Britain's surveillance camera culture is terrifying in terms of Big Brother watching your every move. There's cameras every where. In many establishments there are five or six small cameras up on the ceiling, in plain view. And those are just the ones you can see. A multitude of stores around London have the bland black and white "C.C.T.V Camera System in Use" signs that greet shoppers as they enter the establishments. Then the elaborate network of government camera lenses that blanket all of London. They register car license plates as vehicles enter the financial district, sending off warnings if the cars don't exit after 20 minutes, designed to foil would be car bombers. They film faces of protesters who show up at any rally. In fact, police can now demand that anyone in London remove facial masks, under penalty of two year's jail time, so there's no way to foil the cameras.

Many state these elaborate surveillance systems are nothing but fiction because of the multitude of man power it would take to view and monitor all this video and audio data being gathered. We heard these kinds of paranoid scenarios when the first telephone wire taps became public. But wire taps require a police officer to be listening on the other end. Having individual officers skim through millions of hours of secret video is hardly realistic. But a man is not needed anymore to handle all these hours of gathered data. Big Brother instead uses the computer and newly developed software to do their monitoring and gathering of information. There is software such as Criminal Intelligence Visualization Software. It recognizes faces and it's smart enough to look for unusual behaviours or suspicious associations. It is in this environment, and this mindset, that London's hackers do their work. They do not analyse computer systems and learn how to break them out of spite, or some childish need to destroy: They see themselves merely accumulating knowledge that could be used in self defence if necessary. They are the citizen's militia, the Freedom Fighters of the Information Age, trying to stay one step ahead of technology that could one day be turned against them and they're worried about what might happen next. Britain and The United States and other world governments have set up the architecture for the next world dictator. Big Brother's Anti Christ.

Canada Takes DNA Database Lead

JULY 2000: Canada unveiled what it said was the world's most sophisticated DNA database, capable of identifying criminals through analysis of minute amounts of blood, semen, or skin cells. The DNA Data Bank will include samples of DNA -- the unique building blocks of every living thing from young offenders as well as adults who are convicted of serious crimes. It will also include DNA taken from crime scenes. DNA databases already exist in the United States, Germany, Britain, Norway, Finland, Belgium, and Denmark. Canadian officials said the new C$10 million database, located at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police headquarters in Ottawa, was the most automated and sophisticated of its kind. " I would think that Canada stands on firm ground as being one of the forerunners in this technology and certainly we've done a great deal to improve the speed of the analysis," said Dr. Ron Fourney, who is in charge of the database. " The innovations we've developed that make it unique will be the robotics and certainly the cost effectiveness," he told a news conference at the official launch. Solicitor General Lawrence MacAuley, the minister in overall charge of Canada's law enforcement agencies, said the database was a powerful tool that would change the way in which police conducted many criminal investigations. " It will help solve serious crimes more quickly and assist in identifying repeat offenders more effectively and with more certainty. It will help police to focus their resources on key suspects by excluding the innocent more quickly," he said. The Mounties have been using DNA analysis since 1989 and the new database marks a major step forward in the fight against violent, sexual and repeat offenders, who will be required to give blood samples. The database will cost C$5 million a year to run and takes five days to process a single sample. Police estimate some 30,000 samples from known serious offenders, suspected criminals, and crime scenes will be processed a year. " When we started 10 years (ago) we might have needed a biological sample which was the size of a penny. Today's technology is so revolutionary that 10 percent of what would fit on the head of a pin is all we'd need to do a case," Fourney said. Fourney said Canada was negotiating with other nations that possess DNA databanks to set up a system whereby genetic information can be exchanged. Samples from convicted criminals will be kept permanently on file so that they can be processed again once more advanced technology becomes available. " I think the DNA Data Bank will be as revolutionary a tool for law enforcement today as fingerprinting was when it was first introduced 100 years ago," said Superintendent Lee Fraser, manager of Canada's Forensic Identification Service. " Our goal is to catch criminals and in the game of crime, knowing who the bad guys are, being able to single them out and linking them irrefutably to their crimes is a very important tool," he told the news conference.

Big Brother Takes Away Australian Citizens Registered Guns

The results are in from the governments forceful taking of registered firearms from Australia's citizens in 1999. One year after gun owners were forced to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed, including semi-automatic .22 rifles and shotguns, a program costing the government over 500 million dollars, the results are a dramatic increase in criminal activity has been experienced. Gun control advocates respond "Just wait... we'll be safer... you'll see...". Yes indeed! After 12 months of statistics the crime of homicides rose 3%, assaults rose 8%., and armed robberies increases a staggering 44% This type of governmental thinking should warn all citizens of any country to be wary of the threat of this type of Big Brother mentality. Of course, when Big Brother comes to YOUR door and not only take away your guns, but perhaps your property, your money, and even you, he doesn't want the citizens to be able to defend themselves.

Parent's Fear Big Brother's Monitoring of Their Children

The mother Danielle Littlefield of Fairfax County, VA. was appalled to learn about the plans for a $11 million computer data base that would store personal information on over 150,000 school kids which would include personal and academic information, the income of a student's parents, student's report cards, behavioural problems, disabilities and disciplinary history which would begin from pre-school all the way through college. " Do we really need to be saving records of a third graders school yard fight for future employers to look at?" Mrs. Littlefield asked. Parent's have lost their fight to their children's privacy due to the 1994 congressional mandate. Over a dozen states have already begun linking through the Internet, building their sophisticated data bases on American children which is organized and ran by the US Department of Education. Fairfax County Information Superintendent John Gray was quoted as saying, " It's cheaper and more efficient for schools to collect as much information as possible and share it widely as possible." It will be just a matter of time before children will be forced to submit DNA samples which will be added to Big Brother's data base. I myself foresee DNA samples of new born children being collected at birth within the next five years.


has become a phenomenon in all areas of communications and information. It truly is a Computer City connected by networks and data machines on a global basis. Icann ( )  is the Internet Corporation For Assigning Global IP  Names and Numbers and The Internet Society(  ) is a non-profit, non-governmental, international, professional membership organization. Its more than 150 organization and 16,000 individual members in over 180 nations worldwide represent a veritable who's who of the Internet community.

(GPS) constellation of satellites plays a major role in regional and global studies of Earth. In the face of continued growth and diversification of GPS applications, the worldwide scientific community has made an effort to promote international standards for GPS data acquisition and analysis, and to deploy and operate a common, comprehensive global tracking system. The satellites transmit signals that can be detected by anyone with a GPS receiver. Using the receiver, you can determine a individuals location with great precision. Advanced forms of GPS make location measurements to better than a centimetre. The current GPS constellation consists of 29 Block II/IIA/IIR satellites. The latest satellite was launched on March 20, 2004. Block I satellites are referred to as the original concept validation satellites developed by Rockwell International and reflect various stages of system development.

maintains its headquarters in New York City. The United Nations (UN) became the successor to the League of Nations and absorbed much of the latter's administrative and physical apparatus when it was disbanded in 1946. International organization established by charter on Oct. 24, 1945, with the purposes of maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations on the principle of equal rights and self determination, and encouraging international cooperation in solving international economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems. The term United Nations was originally used during World War II to denote those countries that were allied against the Axis powers (Germany, Japan, and Italy). A conference at Dumbarton Oaks, an estate in Washington, D.C., was the earliest attempt to permanently establish this United Nations. Representatives of the "Big Four" (United Kingdom, United States, U.S.S.R., and China) met there from Aug. 21 to Oct. 7, 1944, to draft some preliminary proposals, which were later discussed and more clearly outlined at the Yalta Conference in February 1945 by the Allied war leaders Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

members include 181 global countries. Interpol has actively been involved for a number of years in combating Information Technology Crime. Rather than ‘re-inventing the wheel’, the Interpol General Secretariat has harnessed the expertise of its members in the field of Information Technology Crime (ITC) through the vehicle of a ‘working party’ or a group of experts. In this instance, the working party consists of the heads or experienced members of national computer crime units. These working parties have been designed to reflect regional expertise and exist in Europe, Asia, the Americas and in Africa. All working parties are in different stages of development. It should be noted that the work done by the working parties is not Interpol’s only contribution to combating ITC, but it certainly represents the most noteworthy contribution to date. Herewith is a brief outline of the achievements and the status quo of each of the working parties: Interpol exists to help create a safer world. Its aim is to provide a unique range of essential services for the law enforcement community to optimise the international effort to combat crime.Interpol is one of  the world’s pre-eminent police organisation in support of all organisations, authorities and services whose mission is preventing, detecting, and suppressing crime.

Criminal Intelligence Analysis (sometimes called Crime Analysis) has been recognized by law enforcement as a useful support tool for over twenty-five years and is successfully used within the international community. Within the last decade, the role and position of Criminal Intelligence Analysis in the global law enforcement community has fundamentally changed. Whereas previously there were a few key countries acting as forerunners and promoters of the discipline, more and more countries have implemented analytical techniques within their police forces. International organisations, such as Interpol, Europol and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), all have Criminal Intelligence Analysts among their personnel. There are many definitions of Criminal Intelligence Analysis in use throughout the world. The one definition agreed in June 1992 by an international group of  twelve European Interpol member countries and subsequently is adopted by other countries. The identification of and provision of insight into the relationship between crime data and other potentially relevant data with a view to police and judicial practice. The central task of Analysis is to help officials - law enforcers, policy makers, and decision makers - deal more effectively with uncertainty, to provide timely warning of threats, and to support operational activity by analysing crime. Criminal Intelligence Analysis is divided into operational (or tactical) and strategic analysis. The basic skills required are similar, and the difference lies in the level of detail and the type of client to whom the products are aimed. The Criminal Analysis Sub-Directorate (CAS) at Interpol currently has twelve Criminal Intelligence Analysts based in Lyon, France. The CAS staff currently comprises of eight different nationalities, enabling the unit to draw on a wide range of experience, contacts and languages. The unit currently provides three main Analytical Services; Operational Analysis, Strategic Analysis and Training / Consultancy.

The TIA The United States is turning into a full fledged surveillance society leading the human race into a global society of Orwellian surveillance.  The tremendous explosion in surveillance enabling technologies, combined with the ongoing weakening in legal restraints that protect our privacy mean that we are drifting toward a surveillance society. "Total Information Awareness" may be the closest thing to a true "Big Brother" program that has ever been seriously contemplated in the United States.  TIA is based on a vision of pulling together as much information as possible about as many people as possible into a global database, making that information available to government officials, and sorting through it to try to identify terrorists or civilians whom pose a real or imagined threat to this Big Brother Society.

The media which covers the major areas of radio, television, and newspapers may be under government control in the near future. A incident at the 2004 Super Bowl halve time show, where two performers, Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake, were involved in a sketch where the breast of Janet Jackson was exposed. The furor over this one incident has the FCC fining broadcasters and threatening to revoke their licensee. Incidents in 2004, include the Viacom syndicated radio show of Howard Stern, to be taken off the air waves on six channels with a fine of $495,000. Federal Regulators, prompted by Congress, are cracking down on what they deem indecent and immoral. I find this more on the lines of suppressing free speech and perhaps leading to the media being controlled by the government. If their is anything more obscene in this world, it's the controlling or editing of free speech and creative thought. I find some of the most obscene acts are committed by the government itself. Federal Communications Commission   445 12th Street SW  Washington, DC 20554

( IMF ) is located in Washington DC. The IMF is an organization of 184 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty. The IMF is a entiy classified as the global money lender.

The World Bank is a development Bank which provides loans, policy advice, technical assistance and knowledge sharing services to low and middle income countries to reduce poverty. The World Bank is run like a cooperative, with its member countries as shareholders. The number of shares a country has is based roughly on the size of its economy. The United States is the largest single shareholder, with 16.41 percent of votes, followed by Japan (7.87 percent), Germany (4.49 percent), the United Kingdom (4.31 percent), and France (4.31 percent). The rest of the shares are divided among the other member countries. The World Bank's government shareholders are represented by a Board of Governors. Generally, these governors are ministers, such as Ministers of Finance or Ministers of Development. The governors are the ultimate policy makers in the World Bank.

United Kingdoms Britain security intelligence agency with national intelligence priorities set by the Joint Intelligence Committee and endorsed by Ministers. MI5 is the major adviser to the British government on protective security measures.MI5 main purpose is to protect national security and economic well-being, and to support the law enforcement agencies in preventing and detecting serious crime and disseminating intelligence; investigating and assessing threats, and working with others to counter them. MI5 was created In October of 1909.

The two law enforcement agencies named Europol and Eurojust, have been set up to help the EU member states cooperate in the fight against organized international crime. This cooperation in criminal matters is the "third pillar" of the EU. Europol and Eurojust carry out very specific tasks in the context of the dialogue, mutual assistance, joint efforts and cooperation between the police, customs, immigration services and justice departments of the EU member states.

After the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901, Congress directed the Secret Service to protect the President of the United States. Protection remains the primary mission of the United States Secret Service. The Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act (Public Law 105-318) amends 18 USC section 1028 to establish the offense of "Identity Theft." Penalties were established for anyone who knowingly transfers or uses, without authority, any means of identification of another person, with the intent to commit an unlawful activity that is a violation of the identity theft provisions of section 1028. The Patriot Act (Public Law 107-56) increases the Secret Service's role in investigating fraud and related activity in connections with computers. In addition it authorizes the Director of the Secret Service to establish nationwide electronic crimes taskforces to assist the law enforcement, private sector and academia in detecting and suppressing computer-based crime; increases the statutory penalties for the manufacturing, possession, dealing and passing of counterfeit U.S. or foreign obligations; and allows enforcement action to be taken to protect our financial payment systems while combating transnational financial crimes directed by terrorists or other criminals. 2002 The Department of Homeland Security is established with the passage of (Public Law 107-296) which in part, transfers the United States Secret Service from the Department of the Treasury, to the new department effective March 1, 2003.

To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide Federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behaviour; to administer and enforce the Nation's immigration laws fairly and effectively; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans. The Department of Justice is headed by the Attorney General of the United States. Its major component organizations include: the U.S. Attorneys (USAs) who prosecute federal offenders and represent the United States in court; the major investigative agencies as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)  which gather intelligence, investigate crimes, and arrest criminal suspects; the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) which controls the border and provides services to lawful immigrants; the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) which protects the federal judiciary, apprehends fugitives, and detains persons in federal custody; and the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) which confines convicted offenders.

As computers and access to the Internet became commonplace in homes across the United States, the FBI began to put in place measures to address crime in cyberspace. It created the Computer Investigations and Infrastructure Threat Assessment Centre (CITAC) to respond to physical and cyber attacks against US infrastructure. The FBI has also played a crucial role in the investigation and prevention of computer crimes. In 1991, the FBI's Computer Analysis and Response Teams (CART) began to provide investigators with the technical expertise necessary to obtain evidence from the computers of suspects. In 1998, the FBI's National Infrastructure Protection Centre (NIPC) was created to monitor the dissemination of computer viruses, worms, and other malicious programs and to warn government and business computer users of these dangers. In addition, having begun in the FBI's Baltimore Division in 1995, but branching out to most FBI field offices, the Bureau's Innocent Images Program has successfully identified and stopped large numbers of podophiles who have used the Internet to purvey child pornography and to lure children into situations where they could be harmed. Between 1993 and 2001, the FBI's mission and resources expanded to address the increasingly international nature of crime in US localities. The FBI's budget grew by more than $1.27 billion as the Bureau hired 5,029 new Agents and more than 4,000 new Support Personnel. To prepare the FBI for both domestic and foreign lawlessness in the 21st century. At the start of the new millennium, the FBI stands dedicated to its core values and "Bright Line" ethical standards. Commitment to these values and standards ensures that the FBI effectively carries out its mission: Protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats; uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States; and provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners.

Homeland Security Information Network to Expand Collaboration, Connectivity for States and Major Cities, February 24, 2004, The Department of Homeland Security, as part of its Homeland Security Information Network initiative, is expanding its computer-based counterterrorism communications network to all 50 states, five territories, Washington, D.C., and 50 other major urban areas to strengthen its two-way flow of threat information. This communications system will deliver real-time interactive connectivity among state and local partners and with the DHS Homeland Security Operations Centre (HSOC) through the Joint Regional Information Exchange System (JRIES).  Other DHS agencies participate through seats at the HSOC and their own operations centres, and the system will be further expanded within DHS operations. Each state and major urban area's Homeland Security Advisor and other points of contact will receive software licenses, technology, and training to participate in the information sharing and situational awareness that JRIES already brings to state and local homeland security personnel across the United States. Examples of other points of participation include state National Guard offices, Emergency Operations Centres, and first responder and Public Safety departments.

The Department's research and technology focus will seek to develop capabilities to detect and deter attacks on our information systems and critical infrastructures.  The S&T Directorate will develop a national research and development enterprise to support homeland defence.  This research and development effort will be driven by a constant examination of the nation's vulnerabilities, repeated testing of our security systems, and a thorough evaluation of the threats and weaknesses in the system. DHS will promote research and development of software and technology that will protect information systems and databases. DHS will support the telecommunications critical infrastructure by promoting research and development of tools and technology to prevent disruption or compromise of these services. This National Communication System helps maintains a close working relationship between the government and the telecommunications industry One important DHS priority will be to examine the vulnerabilities found in security systems. The emphasis will be on catastrophic terrorism - threats to the security of our homeland that could result in large-scale loss of life as well as triggering major economic repercussions. The focus will be on both evolutionary improvements to current capabilities as well as the development of revolutionary new capabilities.

DHS's Science & Technology Directorate will tap into scientific and technological capabilities in the United States to provide the means to detect and deter attacks using weapons of mass destruction.  S&T will guide and organize research efforts to meet emerging and predicted needs and will work closely with universities, the private sector, and national and federal laboratories. The S&T Directorate will promote research and technology to develop sensors and systems to detect chemical and biological weapons from production to employment. The S&T Directorate will promote research and technology to develop sensors and systems which detect nuclear and radiological weapons from production to employment.

The global information explosion forced NSA to recognize it no longer had the technological advantage. The Agency had to prepare. NSA is increasing its partnerships with industry and academia and expanding its research and development, and aggressively recruiting and hiring cryptologic professionals. These changes are revolutionizing the Agency's capability to produce foreign signals intelligence and protect sensitive government communications in a digital age. These changes give war fighters and policymakers real-time insight into the adversary's mindset. These changes ensure that NSA's capabilities will continue to prevent conflict, shorten wars, and save lives. Since 1952, NSA has been the world expert on cryptology and electronic communications systems. Our early interest in cryptanalytic research and flexible storage capability led to the first large-scale and solid-state computers and the development of the tape cassette. Today, our work takes us to the worlds of knowledge discovery, advanced mathematics, quantum computing, nanotechnology, networking technologies and, of course, computer systems security. Some of the world’s toughest problems come to NSA.

NSA’s  mission provides our military leaders and policy makers with intelligence to ensure our national defence and to advance U.S. global interests. This information is specifically limited to that on foreign powers, organizations or persons and international terrorists. NSA responds to requirements levied by intelligence customers, which includes all departments and levels of the United States Executive Branch. The ever-increasing volume, velocity and variety of today’s communications make the production of relevant and timely intelligence for military commanders and national policy makers more challenging than ever.The NSA has a tradition of dedicated, highly qualified people deeply committed to maintaining the nation’s security. While technology will obviously continue to be a key element of our future, NSA recognizes that technology is only as good as the people creating it and the people using it. NSA remains committed to its core mission of exploiting the Agency’s deep analytical skill and technological capabilities to ensure the nation maintains a significant strategic advantage in the advancement of U.S. interests around the world.


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