You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13
Before we delve into the when and where's of the Bible, I wanted to start with 2 of the most incredible things I have come across that prove beyond any doubt that the Bible is indeed God's word.
Some things can be faked, or copied, others are darn right impossible to pull off unless you are the creator of all things, and operate outside of time. These two following examples just can not be debunked, and will absolutely blow your mind. The first has been done over the span of many generations with names of the lineage from Adam to Noah and even up to Jesus. If you know how the language of Hebrew works, you know that the meanings can't be changed as the name is visually descriptive in font type as well as directly related to words with meaning. The names of this lineage over the span of hundreds and hundreds of years have a Prophetic message that is just amazing and a must see.
This is a link of the detailed work and great website of the maker of this video.
Bible-Names Code: From Adam to Jesus
Ivan Panin's Math
This second example is even more impossible to explain without God, and it also happens to be from the genealogy of Jesus. It's pretty amazing that the places where these were found come from genealogies of mankind and not just a story. Just consider how amazing that is.
Russian immigrant and Harvard Grad Dr. Ivan Panin's "thing" was math. He has a very interesting story you can look up on wikipedia. He did spend a lifetime studying math, and was a literary critic. His interests supposedly started when he noticed the peculiar meaning of John 1:1. If he had been reading the "J.W. New World Translation of Scriptures" (which was started around that time), this would have been missed entirely, and this amazing discovery wouldn't have been found by him.
After realizing the implications of that verse, he thought if the Bible was truly inspired by God, then it would have the grand designers mathematical "fingerprint" in it, as all intelligent design does. He found far more than he bargained for. As for myself, this is one of the most compelling evidences that the Bible was indeed inspired by God. I am so very grateful for this, I would never have sought a math code out, but math is a very factual unbiased representative of undeniable patterns. When that is combined with accidental probability it is a major factor that requires our attention, and consideration.
If you are a person like myself, you will need to see the math yourself on all that. The next links are first a checklist of rules of 7's that it follows. If you'd like to do the math yourself the other links are two sites where the math is explained and shown with the original Greek, which can also be easily found elsewhere to check it.
The checklist on found Biblical math patterns